Why & how to use an eat, wake, sleep routine for your baby

Congratulations new mama! You’re about to embark on one of the most rewarding journeys of your life. As a first-time parent, you may be overwhelmed by all the information out there. That’s why we created this article for parents who are just starting out with their baby and want to know how they can use an eat, wake, sleep routine to help them get through those early months.

The truth is that every baby is different and will develop at his or her own pace. However, there are some general guidelines that can help make it easier for both babies and parents alike when it comes time for food, playtime, naps, and bedtime routines throughout the day. This guide will give you all of these tips.  It’s never too late to start learning what works best for your child – even if he or she has already started sleeping through the night (or not). There’s always something new to learn! Let us show you how easy it can be with our step-by-step guide today!

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What is an Eat/Wake/Sleep  routine?

Introducing an eat, wake, sleep routine (EWS)  to your baby will not only help your baby sleep better and make your days go smoothly and predictable This routine is more then just a sleep schedule.

Parts of the Eat, Wake, Sleep (EWS) Routine 

  1. Eat  this is obviously when feeding occurs. This should occur when your baby wakes within 5-10 minutes.
  2. Wake time – This is any awake time and happens after eating. Although when figuring out schedules and total times, it technically includes the time babies spend eating, as well as playing, engaging, etc.
  3. Sleep – Time spent sleeping each cycle. Occurs after any wake time.

Why use an EWS routine

  1. Learning day from night. With an EWS routine, you are keeping your baby active and waking them when it’s time for a feeding.
  2. Helps babies get full feedings. A baby who just woke from a nap is more likely to talk a full feeding rather than having a “snack” before driving off at naptime.
  3. Predictability. Even at 2-3 week old newborns benefit from having consistency. They will learn they will eat after they wake up and have waketime after they eat then it’s naptime. This is also a benefit for YOU as you know when the baby will be awake and asleep. You can plan your day much better.
  4. Your bedtime routine is much easier. Sleep begets sleep. The more sleep your baby gets at night the better their sleep will be during the day and vice versa. Having an EWS routine, and wake time between feedings, helps your baby learn to fall asleep on their own, and helps bedtime happen more easily.
  5. Sleep training (if needed) will be much easier. Since your baby is learning to fall asleep without being fed to sleep this will help a great deal when they wake in the middle of the night. They won’t need to be fed back to sleep unless they are truly hungry.

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FAQ’s’ for the EWS Routine

How to create an EWS routine for a newborn?

Keep baby awake. It can be difficult to keep your newborn awake since their wake windows are super short. Here are a few tips.

  • Tickle your baby’s toes
  • Put a wet washcloth on your baby’s forehead
  • Keep the lights on
  • Make noises
  • Diaper change midway. If you are breastfeeding, feed on one side and then do a diaper change, followed by feeding on the other side. For bottles, start the bottle, and when baby loses interest, do a diaper change, and offer the bottle again. 

Should I wake baby to feed?

It’s never fun to wake your baby, especially a newborn, but its crucial to encourage daytime feedings. Keep lights low, gently touch your baby ever so lightly

They may be upset but they will soon forget about it when they are happily eating.

Also, there is only so much sleep to be had during the 24 hour period in one day. You don’t want to use it all during the day or it may affect your nighttime sleep.  You want your nights to be as long as possible. So don’t be afraid to wake that baby and stick to your schedule!

How to start EWS with an older baby?

It’s never too late to start implementing an EWS routine. You may be wondering How to start? I always recommend Cold Turkey!! If you’ve been feeding to sleep, just switch. Babies are super flexible and sometimes we need to believe in THEM!!

Starting tomorrow (or today), Just make the switch. Focus on full feeding and an age-appropriate schedule.

What if baby takes a short nap?

There will be times your baby wakes early from a nap. I recommend you implement a quiet, restful waketime until it’s time for their feeding.

You are staying on schedule for your feedings and you are extending waketime best you can. A restful, calm waketime is better than a screaming, upset baby or one that is completely off schedule, especially as you get closer to bedtime.

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The eat, wake, sleep routine is great because it is predictable and fairly flexible.  the beauty of the EWS routine is a way to ensure your newborn or baby is getting full feedings and the rest they need. It also works well with just about any sleep teaching method you use. 

Comment and share your stories below on the eat, wake, sleep routine.

I have so much more I want to teach you about baby sleep and how you can help your baby!

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Sending sleepy vibes and sweet dreams your way!

Erin McCormick

Your Pediatric Sleep Specialist


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