Meet Erin McCormick!!

Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Erin McCormick. After becoming a mommy of my handsome (I may be partial) son, Quaid, I was just as uncertain as you probably are of how to get this little human to sleep through the night. I was exhausted from getting up at all hours of the night. To make matters worse, everyone kept telling me, “Sleep when the baby naps.” Naps? My baby wasn’t napping long enough for me to fall asleep. What were they talking about?

We finally decided to work with a sleep consultant to  learn how to get the most out of the important everyday task of sleep. After learning the ins and outs of healthy sleep habits, Quaid started sleeping through the night (11 to 12 hours uninterrupted) at four months old! He also started taking 2 hour naps during the day! I decided to become a certified pediatric sleep consultant so I could help Moms and Dads teach their little ones the same.

Through teaching my child to sleep better, I not only gained a happy, energetic, fun, loving child, I also gained my husband back. We have us time again. I have energy to do the things I love again. I have time to enjoy those things or just relax when my child takes a nap or is in bed at a reasonable time. You can do the same!

Chasing Sweet Dreams - Pediatric Sleep Consultant

Sleep may seem like a basic thing but in reality there are a lot of things you as a parent can do to help your child achieve the proper amount of sleep. Not only will getting the proper amount of sleep help your child be happy and content, it will also help them grow and develop to the best of their ability. A well-rested child is energetic, happy, playful, alert, and eager to learn.

My goal is to improve your child’s sleep and provide you with all the knowledge needed to achieve this. I will give you honest information about why sleep is so important for your child and your family which will give you even more motivation to be successful. With your help, I will develop an individualized step-by-step plan that will have your little one sleeping through the night in no time. Since every child is different and every parent’s values on how they approach their child are different, this plan will be customized with your personal values and needs taken into account so you and your child are comfortable.

I completed extensive training with The Cradle Coach Academy. It is based on the latest pediatric sleep science so you can rest assured in knowing you are getting knowledge based on science rather than opinion.

Whether you are looking for a little help or a full on plan, as your pediatric sleep consultant, have a package that will fit your needs. Simply, email or call me to get started today! Not sure if this is right for you and your little one quite yet? That’s ok, set up a free 15 minute phone introduction.

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