Welcome to Chasing Sweet Dreams


Hey, they tired. Mamas. Welcome to Chasing Sweet Dreams.

Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Erin McCormick and after becoming a mommy to my handsome son, Quaid I was uncertain as you are on how to get this little guy night. Sleep through the night. I was exhausted from getting up all hours of the night and to make things worse, people kept saying sleep on baby sleep nap when baby naps. And my baby wasn’t napping long enough for me to fall asleep. So I was like, what are they talking about? What am I doing wrong? After countless hours of research and reading many baby sleep books and a lot of trial and error, we finally decided to work 1:1 with a pediatric sleep consultant.

After working with a pediatric sleep consultant, Quaid started sleeping through the night for 11 to 12 hours, uninterrupted at five months old. And he also started taking longer naps during the day. And I became so passionate about baby and toddler sleep. I decided I wanted to become a certified pediatric sleep specialist so I could help other moms and dads do the same.


Through teaching Quaid to sleep better. Not only did I gain a fun, energetic, loving child, but I also got my husband back. We had “us” time again. We had time to sit down and have a glass of wine after he was in bed or have a late dinner, or just sit down and watch a Netflix show after he was asleep. And that just really meant a lot to me and to my marriage.

You can definitely do the same. It is my mission to improve your child’s sleep. I’m here to give you the motivation and the confidence to achieve this. Sleep may seem like a basic thing, but in reality, there are a lot of things you, as a parent can do to help your child achieve the proper amount of sleep.

Not only will getting the proper amount of sleep, help your child be happy and content, but it will also help them grow and develop to the best of their abilities. I have completed extensive training through the Cradle Coach Academy. It is based on the latest evidence-based research on pediatric sleep.

So you can be rest assured in knowing that you’re getting  knowledge based on science, rather than an opinion. After suffering through sleep deprivation with my child, I was determined to arm myself with as much knowledge as possible in order to help other parents since launching, chasing sweet dreams.

In 2020, I have helped hundreds of families regain their sleep and their sanity through my guilt-free, responsive sleep approach.

If your baby or baby is struggling with sleep, send me an email or set up a discovery call! I am here for you!

Sending sleepy vibes and sweet dreams your way!

Erin McCormick

Your Pediatric Sleep Consultant

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