Benefits of White Noise

We know how hard it is to get enough sleep when you have a new baby at home – but we want to make things easier on you! That’s why we created this article full of tips and tricks that will help both you and your child get some much-needed rest. 

Are you a parent who is looking for ways to help your baby sleep better?

White noise can be very helpful in calming and soothing babies, which makes it easier for them to fall asleep. It’s also great for blocking out household noises that might wake up your little one during the night. 

Babies can be hard to put to sleep, and it’s not always easy for parents. 

White noise is a proven solution that helps babies fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up less during the night. If you’re having trouble putting your baby or toddler to bed at night then try using white noise!

What is white noise

You’ve probably heard of white noise before but if you aren’t sure what it actually is I’ll explain. White Noise is a sound that has all frequencies equally distributed in an equal volume level so when you hear it there isn’t any one frequency sticking out more than others like with music or voices. It sounds like static on the TV or radio when they are off-air. This type of sound doesn’t have any lyrics or melody so it won’t keep your baby awake by distracting them from falling asleep with fun songs and rhymes like lullabies do.

What are the benefits of white noise for babies?

White noise is a  great way to help infants, babies, and toddlers to sleep. It can help them fall asleep faster or stay asleep longer by masking outside sounds that they’re sensitive too such as parents talking, older siblings playing, or tv in the house. 

How to create a white noise environment for your baby

The great white noise machine for your baby is a fan or humidifier. You can also purchase a white noise machine suck as Hatch, Lectrofan, or  Dohm. These sounds will help them fall asleep by creating the same types of comforting, womb-like conditions that they would experience in utero before birth! Do you use ocean sound, lullabies, rain, or heartbeat sounds that and out. They can actually disrupt sleep. 

How loud should white noise be?

White noise should be between 50-60 decibels, about as loud as a running shower. I like to use the app called decibelX to measure the sound level in the room. Just place the phone in the crib where your baby’s head goes and turn up the sound machine until it is within that range and also make sure it’s a range you are comfortable with. 

When used correctly, white noise can become a positive sleep association.

Some sleep associations are unhelpful for example if you nurse or rock your baby to sleep then you’ll have to perform that work every time he/she wakes up and tries to go back to sleep.  These are the type of sleep associations we try to illuminate during sleep training. However, some sleep associations can be positive such as white noise. And the great part is there’s no work on your end – simply turn on the white noise at the end of your routine and walk out of the room.


Whether you’re a new parent or an old pro, it seems like there is always something to learn about how to help your baby sleep better. White noise may be able to calm and put your little one at ease for bedtime – which is great news if they aren’t sleeping well! 


How do you use white noise for your baby? Share your tips and stories below; we love hearing from you!

I have so much more I want to teach you about baby sleep and how you can help your baby!

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Sending sleepy vibes and sweet dreams your way!

Erin McCormick

Your Pediatric Sleep Specialist

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